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繼十月後,香港電台第四台將繼續為聽眾帶來來自紐約林肯中心室樂協會主辦的室內音樂會。今個月的四場演出,全都包括德奧作曲家的作品。在第一場名為《Virtuoso Stings》的音樂會,顧名思義就是要突出弦樂器,選奏的有巴赫的《第三布蘭登堡協奏曲》,及其兒子C.P.E. 巴赫的《C大調交響曲》,最後有孟德爾遜的《弦樂八重奏》。

接著是布拉姆斯專場,先由紐約林肯中心室樂協會藝術總監之一的吳菡,聯同身兼鋼琴家和作曲家的Michael Brown,一起演奏多首《匈牙利舞曲》,此外還有多位音樂家演奏被形容為「室內樂傑作」的《F小調鋼琴五重奏》。

緊接的節目除了德奧的曲目,還探索其他地區的室內音樂。在《Intensity and Drama》,音樂會以舒伯特的四手聯彈曲目《F小調幻想曲》開始,然後大家將可聽到巴托激烈的《第五弦樂四重奏》。十一月最後一場音樂會將帶來法國作曲家杜蒂耶的《為長笛及鋼琴而寫的小奏鳴曲》,雖然作曲家本人不太喜歡此作,但無礙它成為長笛的常奏樂曲。最後音樂會會回到德奧的室樂世界,以舒伯特的《降E大調三重奏》作結。

Listening to the World of German-Austrian Chamber Music

After October, RTHK Radio 4 will continue to broadcast the chamber music concert series by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center has 52 programs a year to serve the radio and internet audiences. It covers 300 to 400 years of chamber music repertoire from baroque to contemporary.

The four programs presented this month are all German and Austrian repertoires. The first program “Virtuoso Stings” features three pieces which spot on the string instruments. They are Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by J.S. Bach, Sinfonia in C major by C.P.E. Bach as well as the Octet in E-flat major by Mendelssohn.

The next program is an all-Brahms program. Wu Han, the co-artistic director of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center will join hand with the American pianist-composer Michael Brown to play selected Hungarian Dances. The program also includes Brahms’s Quintet in F minor, a piece which is hailed as “a masterpiece of chamber music”, performed by different musicians.

The following programs will take us to explore the music from other regions. But in the “Intensity and Drama”, it begins with the Fantasie in F minor by Schubert, a four-hands piano piece written in the last year of the composer and was dedicated to his own pupil. The program will end with Quartet No. 5 in B-flat major, one of the six string quartets by the Hungarian composer Bartók. The Sonatine for Flute and Piano by French composer Dutilleux will start the last program in November. Even though the composer doesn’t like his own work, it has become a standard of the flute repertoire. The concert will then bring us back to the world of German-Austrian chamber music and present the Trio No. 2 in E-flat major by Schubert.


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